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Symbiotic Interaction

WEARABLES, 2016-2017

Symbiotic Interaction is a body-worn technological interface that promotes a plant-human symbiotic relationship, in an intimate and personalized way.

Plants are sensitive to the environment that surrounds them, his living beings perceive different factors and environmental changes that humans cannot perceive with our natural sensors.

Through  the interface, five plants connected to sensors  based on plants electrophysiology are monitored by  measuring the reactions of these living beings in real time.This changes are perceptible for the wearer through changes in color, sound and graphics, visible through the body-worn interface, which allow her to identify  patterns in the plants behavior.

Exhibited at:
Eco-Visionarios. LABoral Centro de Arte. Gijón. Spain. Switzerland. Curated by Sabine Himmelsbach, Karin Ohlenschlaeger and Yvonne Volkart. 2019
Eco-Visionaries. Hek. Basel. Switzerland. Curated by Sabine Himmelsbach, Karin Ohlenschlaeger and Yvonne Volkart. 2018
Nova XX. Halles Saint-Géry. Bruselas. Bélgica. Curated by Stéphanie Pecourt. 2017-2018
LookForward Fashion Tech Festival 2017. Musee La Piscine. Roubaix France and  La Gâitè Lyrique, París. France. Curated by Anne-Sophie Berard. 2017
This project has been created thanks to SoftLab Residency Scholarship at Sliperiet - a part of Arts Campus at Umeå University. Sweden
< Symbiotic Future
Atropic Interface >

María Castellanos

María Castellanos, through her artistic practice, explores the sensory limits of human experience and develops systems that foster dialogue between diverse forms of life. Her work, deeply connected to the relationships between living beings and their environment, encourages reflection on our interactions through a critical lens that blends ecological awareness with feminist perspectives, challenging traditional boundaries between the human and the non-human.

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