María Castellanosis an artist and researcher working at the intersection of art, science, technology and society. She has been a postdoctoral researcher at Oslo Metropolitan University as part of
FeLT Project – Futures of Living Technologies – from 2021 to 2023.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Doctorate in Contemporary Arts Practices from the University of Vigo (SP), with an Extraordinary Phd Award 2016. Her dissertation entitled “The bionic skin. Technological Membranes as Body Interfaces in Artistic Practice” focuses on technological prosthesis, more specifically in hybridizations between cyborgs and wearables as a paradigm of extending human sensorial capabilities.
Her artistic practice focuses primarily on the research about human sensory boundaries and the creation of complex systems that promote the communication and the understanding between humans and non human beings.
Her work has won awards like
Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators by Fundación BBVA (2020), VERTIGO STARTS (2017), a prize granted under the aegis of EU-Horizon 2020, an initiative led by Centre Pompidou and IRCAM , Paris, and the Fraunhifer. Gesellschaft, Germany, to foster collaboration between art practitioners and R&D projects. In 2016 she was awarded the Antón Scholarship for Sculpture Research from the Museo Antón in Candás (Sp). Also in 2016 she was nominated for the STARTSPrize' 16 at Ars Electronica, Linz (Austria) and the Japan Media Arts Festival, Tokyo (Japan).
Her work was exhibited and performed at venues and festivals such as Ars Electronica Festival (AT), LABoral Art Centre (ES) , Athens Digital Arts Festival (GR), Onassis Stegi (GR), House of electronic Arts Basel(CH), La Gâite Lyrique Museum (FR), DRIVE Volskwagen (DE), Matadero Madrid (ES), Bozar Electronic Art Festival (BE), Arts Santa Mónica (ES), Touch me Festival (CH) MUSAC (ES), CEBIT. Europe's Festival for Innovation and Digitization (DE), V2_Lab (NL), Pompidou-Metz (FR), Antre Peaux (FR), Trondheim International Biennale for Art and Technology (NO), RIXC Festival (LV).
Since 2009 she collaborates with the artists Alberto Valverde in
>> Hibridalab. Victoria. (ES). 04.10.24- 17.01.25
>> Máster en prácticas artísticas y estudios culturales cuerpo. Centro Huarte.Noviembre 2024
>> Other Intelligences. Meet Digital Culture Center. Milan. (IT). Until 30.01.25
2023 Lauredate Artist
ISEA 2023. Symbiosis. International Symposium on Electronic Art. París. France
2020 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators. Fundación BBVA. 2020-2022
2020 EMARE Residency [European Media Artist in residence Exchange] Kontejner. Croatia.
2018 2º Prize EAC. XVIII Encuentro de Arte Contemporáneo. Diputación de Alicante. Spain
2017 Winning project en
VERTIGO STARTS. European Project EU-Horizon 2020
. Call for artist in residence
2017 Jury Selection.
20th Japan Media Arts Festival. Tokyo.
2016 Anton Grant to sculpture creation and researching. Anton Museum. Candás, Asturias. Spain
2016 Winning project of
Paseo Project 2016. Etopía Center for Art & Technology. Zaragoza. Spain
2016 SoftLab Residency. Sliperiet.Umeå University. Sweden
2016 Nomination at
STARTS Prize'16. Ars Electronica. Linz. Austria
2016 Best Paper Award.
Technarte 2016. International Conference of Art and Technology. Bilbao. Spain
2016 New Curators Prize. Room Art Fair. Madrid. Spain
2015 Winning project of
Next Things 2015 LABoral Centro de Arte and Telefónica I+D. Spain
2015 Grant for artistic production in digital art. Fundación Municipal de Cultura de Avilés. Spain
2014 Second Prize for young artist "Auditorio de Galicia para Novos Artistas". Santiago de Compostela. Spain
2013 Special Mention at videoart. "Valencia Crea 2013". Valencia. Spain
2013 Grant for artistic productions. FMC. Ayuntamiento de Gijón. Asturias. Spain
2013 Residence Grant Alfara Studio. Salamanca. Spain
2012 Astragal Prize 2012. Consejería de Presidencia y CMX. Goverment of Asturias. Spain
2012 AlNorte Grant 2012. Diario El Comercio. Gijón. Spain
2012 FibArt Grant 2013. FIB Residence. Benicasim. Spain
2011 Tentaciones Prize 2011. Estampa Art Fair. Madrid. Spain
2011 Residence Grant. 16 Bienal de Cerveira. Vila Nova de Cerveira. Portugal
2008 Premio Asturias Joven de Artes Plásticas 2008. Artista Revelación. Goverment of Asturias. Spain
>> SOLO/DUO EXHIBITIONS – selection –
2024 Site-Specific. Silent Vegetal Thoughts. Piksel. Bergen. (NO) 23.05.24
2024 Symbiogenesis. Gazing into uncertainty. CCAI. Gijón. Asturias. Spain. 16.05.24- 16.06.24
2023 Other Intelligences.Institutt for estetiske fag. PP33. OsloMet. Oslo. 13-17.03.23
2022 Other intelligences. Galleri 69. Oslo. Norway
2022 Unexpected Ecosystems. Open Day. Kunstnernes Hus. Oslo
. Norway
2019 Open Environmental Kit. Laboratorio 987 MUSAC. León. Spain
2019 Intervención with a bio-interfaz on a plant in the Museo Thyssen Hall. Madrid. Spain
2018 The Prosthetic Gaze. CCAI. Gijón. Spain
2017 Ensayo y error del posthumano. Anton Museum. Candás, Asturias. Spain
2014 Lo Real. Zona C. Santiago de Compostela. Spain
2014 Estudios en torno a la piel. CCAI. Gijón. Spain
2014 Corpo-Realidad. CS-LAB Zokei University. Tokio. Japan
2013 Corpo-Realidad. Sala Astragal Gijón, Spain and Valey Centro Cultural de Castrillón. Asturias. Spain
2009 Reversible. Sala Borrón. Oviedo. Spain
2009 Incertezas. Texu Gallery. Oviedo. Spain
>> GROUP EXHIBITIONS – selection –
Sodas2123. Atletika. Vilnius. (LT). 27.06.24- 11.08.24
"The Senses of Plants". Villa Merkel - Galerie der Stadt Esslingen.Germany. 02.03-02.06
Emap perspective #1. Gnration. Braga. Portugal. 20.01.24 - 29.04.24
Festival Internacional de la Imagen. Colombia. 6-12.05.24
Porous Matter.MV Sci-Art Center. Timișoara. Romania. 15.09.23 - 15.01.24
Electronic Fields. Llerena. Extremadura. Spain. 27-29.10.
Máquina Orgánica. Canal Connect. Teatros Canal. Madrid. Spain. 23.03.23-23.04.23
Digital Art Alicante. Espacio Séneca. Alicante. Spain. 17.03.23-16.04.23
Les Portes du possible - Art & science-fiction. Pompidou-Metz. France. 05.11.22-17.04.23
Group exhibition.Kin(d) Relations.Transpalette. Antre Peaux.France. 5.11.22-15.01.23
Test_Lab: Smart Hybrid Forms. V2_lab. Rotterdam. Nederland
Earthbound – In Dialogue with Nature. House of Electronic Arts. Basel. Switzerland
XXI International Image Festival - Bogota Colombia
Meta.Morf 2022. Trondheim International Biennale for Art and Technology. Norway
Earthbound – In Dialogue with Nature. Esch2022.
Sustainability. Augustenborg Art Project. Denmark
Beyond Human Perception. New European Bauhaus Festival, at KBR Museum. Brussels. Belgium
Hyperobjects. Can Felipa. Barcelona. Spain
Mardel. CCCC. Valencia.Spain
RIXC Festival 2021 PostSensorium. Riga. Latvia
Un Relato Polifónico. Sala 2. CCAI. Gijón. Spain
EMAP Garden. Organized by Werkleitz at Ars Elctronica 2021. [online]
Wom@rts. Limerick School of Art and Design. Ireland
ECOSS. Ecosystem of the Unespected. Arts Santa Mónica. Barcelona. Spain
Ecozine Film Festival. Video art selection. Etopía. Zaragoza. Spain.
When the butterflies of the soul flutter their wings. LABoral Centro de Arte. Spain
Renconrtes Internationales Mondes Multiples. Antre Peaux. Bourges. France
Biotopías. Parque Doramas. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain
Touch me Festival. Kontejner. Zagreb. Croatia
EMAP Journeys. Ars Electronica 2020 [online]
Mutations.Première Vision. Paris. France
Eco-Visionaries. LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial. Gijón. Spain
Cyborg Garden. Nave 16. Matadero. Madrid. Spain
e-cuerpo | FuturXble. International meeting of Art Technology and Wearable. Mexico City
Exhibition (In)Visibles. Auditorio de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela. Spain
Women, (be)coming. UGM Maribor. Slovenia.
Premio Mardel. Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporánea. Valencia. Spain
The Plants Sense on display at "
Mulleres e innovación nas artes intermedias" Conference. Teatro Colón. A Coruña. Spain.
Nuestra sencilla relación con la tecnología. Mobile Week. Disseny Hub Barcelona
The Plants Sense at ICT 2018: Imagine Digital - Connect Europe. Vienna. Austria
Fem Tek. Prácticas Artísticas Contemporáneas, Feminismos y Tecnología. Bilbao. Spain
Eco-Visionaries. Hek. Haus der elektronischen Künste. Basel. Switzerland
STARTS. CEBIT. Europe's Festival for Innovation and Digitization. Hannover. Germany
Especulacións Utópicas. Colexio de Fonseca. Santiago de Compostela. Spain
Next Things_Next Starts. LABoral Centro de Arte. Gijón, Spain
NovaXX . Halles Saint-Géry Brussels, Belgium
LookForward Fashion Tech Festival. . Musee La Piscine. Roubaix France and La Gâitè Lyrique, París. France
Postfuture Journey. Athens Digital Art Festival
. Atenas. Greece
Principado de Asturias. Principado del Arte. FIDMA. Gijón. Asturias. Spain
Bozar. Electronic Arts Festival 2016. Brussels. Belgium
Ars Electronica Festival 2016. Post City. Ars Electronica. Linz. Austria
Human Factor, organized by Ars Electronica at DRIVE - Volkswagen Group Forum in Berlin. Germany
Vestir i desvestir cossos. Fenomenologies d'aparició. Centre d'art la Panera. Lleida. Spain
24 PMR. Centro Torrente Ballester. Ferrol. Spain
Just Tech. Just Mad7 Art Fair. Madrid. Spain
Materia Prima. Experiments on digital art & science. LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial. Gijón. Spain
Degénero. Fundación Antonio Saura. Cuenca. Spain
Mirar en un espejo. 25 años de arte joven en Asturias. Sala SabadellHerrero, Oviedo. Spain
La New Fair. La New Gallery. Madrid. Spain
Eidos da Imaxe. Garfías dos Feitos e do Pensamento. Museo MARCO. Vigo. Spain
Libros ganadores de Masquelibros 2013. Espacio Valverde. Madrid. Spain
Galicia + Tokyo Art Project. Gallery Lara. Tokyo. Japan
Reactions/Interactions. Verge Gallery. Sydney. Australia
8º Premio del Auditorio de Galicia Para Novos Artistas 2013. Santiago de Compostela.Spain
Maratón de vídeo MAV. La Casa Encendida. Madrid. Spain
Universo Vídeo. Geopolitical. LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial. Gijón. Spain
VIII Festival Internacional de Performance Choroni Perfochoroni. Venezuela
Certamen de Arte de Ourense. Centro Cultural Marcos Varcarcel. Ourense. Spain
XLIV Certamen Nacional de Arte de Luarca. Asturias. Spain
Masquelibros. II Feria de libro de Artista de Madrid. COAM. Madrid. Spain
NIO. Muestra Internacional de Videoarte. Caja de Cristal. Quito. Ecuador
La Biblioteca de Babel. Espacio Líquido. Gijón. Asturias. Spain
Inauguraciones Simultáneas. Galería por Amor a Arte. Porto. Portugal
Tentaciones 2011. Estampa. Feria de Madrid. Spain
Arenas Movedizas 2011. Antiguas Cocinas de la Universidad Laboral. Gijón. Spain
ArteSantander 2011. Galería Lola Orato. Recinto ferial. Santander. Spain
XVI Bienal de Cerveira. Vila Nova de Cerveira. Portugal
El proceso como paradigma. LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial. Gijón. Spain
Loop Festival. Barcelona. Spain
Premio de Grabado Máximo Ramos. Centro de Arte Torrente Ballester. Ferrol. Spain
Bienal de Pontevedra. Museo de Bellas Artes. Diputación de Pontevedra. Spain
>> Artistic residency. Eufonic Festival. Terres de l'Ebre.(ES) July 1-15 2024
Organization of the symposium:
Co-creation with plants. Making new kinships from art and science. FeLT. Oslo Metropolitan University. Norway. 14.03.23
"Arte para vivir en un planeta herido" Caixaforum. Madrid 24.04.24
>> Talk: "Vital Dialogues: The Confluence of Plants and Soft Technologies through Artificial Intelligence."
Faculty of Fine Arts. Complutense University. Madrid, April 24, 2024.
>> Congreso Atenea 2023. Mesa Redonda. Oportunidades y desafíos de la inteligencia artificial en el sector cultural. Las Naves. Valencia. 24 de Noviembre de 2023
>> Environmental Humanities Conference 2023 , "EnvironmentDress2.0: Relationships between cyborgs and wearables as paradigm of body enhancement", 19 November 2023
>> Compromiso con el clima: todas a la vez en todas partes. La Casa Encendida. Madrid. 14 de Noviembre de 2023.
>> Humans, Nonhumans, and Machines: Exploring Posthuman Futures Through Artistic Practice.META Forum. MV Sci-Art Center. Timișoara.Rumanía.12.09.23
Symbiotic Interaction: Body-worn interfaces as a tool to promote the symbiotic relationships between plants and humans. ISEA 2023. Symbiosis. International Symposium on Electronic Art. París. France. 16-21.05.23
The Plants also Look to the Stars. BoSS Inspiration Session #1”. Organized by Thyssen Bornemisza Art Contemporary TBA21. 16.05.23
>> Co-creation with plants throughout the artistic practice. Visiting Artist. School of Visual Arts at Virginia Tech 02.12.22
>> The Plants Sense. Smart Agri-Cultures for Sustainable Futures. Onassis Stegi. Athens. Greece. 15.11.22
>> Wearables or the impossibility of being a cyborg. I International Conference on Digital Arts. University of Seville. Spain. 9.11.22
>> Methodologies and process in the co-creation between plants and humans throughout the artistic practice. Zurich University of the Arts.10.10.2022
>> IEEE VISAP'22 Conference. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. 20.10.22
>> Round table at Reimagine the Future Through Arts and Culture. Philea. Oviedo. Spain 19.10.22
>> Other intelligences. Work in progress. The 5th RENEWABLE FUTURES Conference. Riga. Latvia.08.10.22
Body-worn intetrfaces. MediLab CCBA. Buenos Aires. Argentina. 23 y 26.08-22
>> Other Intelligences ISEA2022. International Symposium on Electronic Art. Barcelona, at MACBA.12.06.22
>> Round table "Investigating the Futures of Living Technologies". Trondheim International Biennale for Art and Technology 07.05.22
>> Comunicación entre plantas y humanas a través de la Practica Artística. La Casa Encendida. Madrid. 27.01.22
>> Mundo Plantae. CENDEAC. Murcia. 10.12.21
>> Laboratorio Biotecnológico. Centro Cutural de España en Chile.16.10.21
>> Who makes art & science. Fusion:Talks. Qolony NGO. Romania. 12.10.21
>> OPEN FIELDS 2021 Conference .The Plants Sense. A Multispecies Cyborg Garden. Riga. Latvia. 23.09.21
Beyond Human Perception. International Congress ADD+Art 2021. 07.08.21
I Encuentro Inspirador. Proyecto Deslizar. Museo del Prado. Madrid. Spain. 08.05.21
Lecture: Body enhancement and interspecies communication through the artistic practice. DXARTS. University of Washinton. 14.03.21
>> Lecture:
Devenir cyborg. Creación de interfaces tecnológicas corporales desde la práctica artística. Atenea Congress. 27.11.20
>> Round Table:
Propuestas artísticas en las prácticas tecnológicas sostenibles con las artistas María Castellanos y Maribel Domènech. Atenea Congress.. 27.11.20
>> Round Table:
Arte y neurociencia: relaciones entre las escalas micro y macro del cerebro. LABoral Centro de Arte.
>> Round Table "Arte y Tecnologías Exponenciales" JusMad. Madrid. Spain. 29 February 2020
Relatioships between humans, plants and machines. at "Electronics Week". Public University of Navarre. Pamplona. Spain
. 6 February 2020
Creación de interfaces tecnológicas corporales a través de la práctica artística. Metodología y proceso. Master Universitario en Artes Visuales Y Multimedia. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain), october 25, 2019
>> Round Table: Propuestas de conciencia medioambiental desde el bioarte. Atenea 2019
. Women in Arts. Science & Technology. Valencia (Spain) October 24, 2019.
Relationships between cyborgs and wearables as paradigm of body enhancement. Faculty of Technology, Design and Art, Dept. of Art,Design and Drama, OsloMet, Olso, August 21, 2019
>> "bodies_perceptions_desing" Organised by
BAU, Centre Universitari de Disseny and Institución Milá y Fontanals - CSIC. Barcelona. 15 November 2018
>> Methodology
and process in the creation of technological body interfaces. DATART. Faculty of Fine Arts. UCM. Madrid. Spain 19 October 2018
>> Round Table:
Critical Design Challenges in Fashionable Technology. E-Cuerpo. Espacio X. Centro Cultural de España en México. CDMX. 12 October 2018.
>> Relationships
between cyborgs and wearables as paradigm of body enhancement. E-Cuerpo. Espacio X. Centro Cultural de España en México. CDMX. 10 October 2018.
>> Round Table: "Conexiones:aproximaciones a los retos medioambientales desde el arte y la ciencia" LABoral. 20 September 2018
Interfaces tecnológicas corporales. "1º Congreso Internacional Mujeres: Artistas, Tecnólogas". UPV. Valencia. Spain
. 27 June 2018
>> The Plants Sense. STARTS Residency Day. IRCAM. Centre Pompidou. París. 15
June 2018
>> Environment Dress. Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón.Aragón Fashion Week. Spain. 29 May 2018
The Plants Sense.
Act Utopia Lab. Espronceda Center for Art and Culture. Barcelona. 16 May 2018
Rethink the cyborg from the DIY. Fetsac. Escuela de Arquitectura de A Coruña. Spain. 12 April 2018
Clorofila 3.0.
Technology and Emotions Congress. Organized byPolyteknisk Forening, i/o/lab and NTNU. Oslo. Norway. 7 November 2017
>> Wearable-Cyborg. Paradigm of the enhancement of the human sensory capacities from the view of the artistic practice. Art anad Fashion Conference. University of Santiago de Compostela. Spain
21 June 2017
>> Body as cause and process. Alma Grafíca Art Fair. Oviedo. Spain. 9 June 2017.
>> Environment Dress.Technarte 2016. International Conference of Art & Technology. Bilbao,19-20 May 2016.
>> The Future Dresses. Night of Museums.
Centro de Arte La Panera. Lleida, Spain. 21 may 2016.
>> Environment Dress at
The App Date Fashion. Espacio Fundación Telefónica. Madrid, 25 January 2016.
>> Body as cause and process. Nexus body and technology in my artistic practice.
Jornadas de profesionalización en Arte Emergente. Univerity of Salamanca. Spain. 27 October 2015.
>> What the eye can not see: corpo- realidad. A research about perception throught the artistic practice. II Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Artes Visuales. University of Valencia. Valencia, 9 July, 2015.
>> Make visible the invisible. CSO' 2015. Congreso Internacional. University of Lisboa. 30 March, 2015.
>> Wearables and the impossibility to being cyborg. Jornadas de
Pensamiento e Investigación en Diseño. la Forma anticipada. Organizadas por el grupo de investigación Tracker DX7 de la University of Vigo. Pontevedra, 24 November 2014.
Galicia + Tokyo Project. Zokei University. Tokyo. Japan. 18 April 2014.
>> Jornadas de Arte Contemporáneo; una introducción al arte actual. Organiza: Tribuna Ciudadana. Club de Prensa Asturiana. Oviedo, 15 February 2011.
2022 Monitoring of Plant Environment. "Reimagine the future through Arts and Culture". Philea. Oviedo, Spain
2021 Laboratorio Ecosistémico. Centro Cultural de España en Chile
2020 Online workshop:" Hybridizations between cyborgs and wearables as a paradigm of human sensory amplification". Organized by: Centro de Arte La Penera LLeida and Universidad de LLeida.
2020 Series of workshops for kids audiences, using electronics applied to the visual arts. Programa Mentoras. Atenea. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
2019 Workshop at "Descubirnedo otras Inteligencias" EducaThyssen. Thyssen Museum. Madrid. Spain
Soft Interfaces workshop. Atenea 2019
. Women in Arts. Science & Technology. Valencia. Spain
2019 Wearables Workshop. Arenas Movedizas. Gijón. Spain
Development of body-worn technological interfaces. MUSAC. León. Spain
Audio-visual experimentation with soft interfaces. Teatro Colón. A Coruña. Spain
Taller Mutante. Matadero Acción Mutante. Matadero. Madrid
Introducción a la Creación de Interfaces Tecnológicas Blandas. LABoral. Spain
2018 Body and Environment. E-Cuerpo. CDMX. Centro Cultural de España en México
2018 Soft circuits. Factoría Cultural. Noche Blanca de Avilés. Spain
2018 Experimental Art and technology Laboratory. La Factoría Cultural. Avilés. Spain
2017 Workshop at
Encuentros de Juventud de Cabueñes. From Net.Art to Cyber.Art. Spain
2017 Workshop "Wearables: body, sound and interactivity"
AlNorte. Factoría Cultural. Avilés. Spain
2017 Workshop
Humans & Machines. auLAB. LABoral Centro de Arte. Gijón. Spain
2017 Art and technology project consulting workshop for Fine Arts students. University of Vigo. Spain
2016 Workshop
Wearables: Garment as interface. Debut 2016. ESDEMGA. University of Vigo. Spain
2016 Workshop "
Body Technological Intefaces" at WinterLab 2016. LABoral Centro de Arte. Spain
. Laser cutting at the textile laboratory. University of Vigo. Spain
2010. Workshop Doll-is. CAMON. Caja Mediterraneo. Madrid. Spain
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